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a walker; a person who dances; a watcher; a person who shears wheat.
drunkard; shooter; doorkeeper; shoemaker.
someone who drinks too much; someone who brags too much; someone who eats a lot; someone who eats too much.
mother [endearing form]; younger sister [endearing form]; father [endearing form]; pet bird [endearing form].
left-overs after eating; left-overs after burning; left-overs after distributing; left-overs after drinking.
manner of writing; manner of speaking; manner of eating; manner of walking.
11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19.
a good speaker; a good weaver; a good walker; a good weed puller.
place of birth; place of sleeping; place of writing; place of asking questions.
length, distance (long-short); quality (good-bad); size (big-small); height (high-low); quantity (many-few); weight (light-heavy).
purpose in coming; purpose in beating; purpose in buying; purpose in changing (something).
smooth; few; grey; round; small; variegated, bright-colored.
teacher [honorific form]; lama [honorific form]; Buddha [honorific form]; Geshe [honorific form].
gold; sky; wildass; god; demon.
Bon; front; back; uphill; coral; sugar.
lambskin; jade; horse; butterfly.
king; merchant; traveler; queen; robber; thief.
surplus tea; surplus soup; surplus meat; surplus tsampa.
the writer; the person who reads a book; the watcher (viewer); the person who shears wool.